Saturday, May 16, 2009

Flea Market Recap, Superfresh, Shoprite, Target, Pathmark

Whew! The wheeling and dealing has been in full force for the last two days.

I made $346 at the flea market. I still have 1.5 bins of stuff left... if I'd sold most of that I would've hit my $400 goal, but most of that (whatever doesn't expire) I can just try to sell again in the fall. There seemed to be less foot traffic overall than last fall, which might be due to the overcast weather or more competing flea markets/yard sales in the spring. At any rate, that's $346 back into the budget!

Superfresh:This was done in 4 transactions so I could roll my Unilever and Lysol CATs. I am too lazy to type out the details, but I turned a profit on the CAT deals, making all the snacks and meat super cheap.
Total oop: $12.06!

I used free item MQ's for the Dr. Pepper, Wheat Thins, hot sauces, and toilet papers.
Total: $18.52

Not in the budget, but all 4 Lethal Weapon movies for $10: Ryan was happy. I spent my $5 Target GC that was earned buying kitty litter earlier this year. Excluding the movies,
Total oop = $9.71

12 lbs of ground turkey! It was $1.77/lb, so we'll be stocked for a while.
Total oop: $31.13

Lastly, I received a $5.99 rebate check in the mail for Escencia shampoo.

Total spent: $848.61
Pending rebates: $28.14
Rebates received: $127.52
Flea market profits: $346.00
"So it's really like": $346.95 spent

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