Revlon Matte eyeshadow, $4.99, used $2 MQ, will get $5.49 ESR (cost + 10% GC bonus)
Orajel cold sore patch, $8.49, used $1 MQ, will get get $9.34 ESR, will also submit for $8 manufacturer's MIR
Trial size Tuf kitchen trash bags, clearanced to $0.50
Dozen eggs, $1.59
Plus $0.39 tax, used $10 RR, total = $2.96 off GC
I've heard that a previous Orajel rebate had poor return rate; pretty much no one got theirs until they contacted the company. I will give it a try anyway and keep a copy of all my materials in case it gets "lost in the mail."
CVS #1 (my card):
2 2L Pepsi brand, $2.50
1 12 pk Diet Pepsi, $3.00
1 Stacy's Pita Chips, $3.00 - $1.50 MQ (tomorrow's paper)
1 Rogaine foam, $19.99 - $15.00 IP
1 Chocolate-covered pretzel rod, $0.33
Used $12 ECB
= $1.29 off GC
Earned $10 ECB for finishing Pepsi deal, $5 ECB for Rogaine
CVS #2 (Ryan's card)
1 Rogaine foam, $19.99 - $15.00 IP
2 Nutra-trim gum, $7.98
1 NeilMed Nasogel, $7.99
1 Reese's PB Cup, $0.50
Used $21 ECB
=$0.98 off GC
Earned $5 ECB for Rogaine, $7.98 ECB for Nutra-trim, $7.99 for Nasogel
I will go ahead and account for the Orajel rebate stamp below, but otherwise no oop to account for below.
Total spent so far: $125.82
Remaining on Acme GC: $35.22
Pending rebates: $41.90
"So it's really like": $48.70 spent this year
Cheers! Here's to saving and making cash! Check out my blog: