Purina Kitten Chow, $2.19, used Free MQ = FREE
2 Hunt's Ketchup, $1.00 each, used $1/2 MQ = $1.00
Seltzer = $0.99
Shoprite brand diet cola = $0.89
Quart milk = $1.39
Onion = $0.92
4 Hefty zip bags, $1.19 each minus 4 $1 MQ = $0.76
Wooden BBQ skewers = $0.99
2 green peppers = $1.65
4 McCormick grinders, $0.99 each, used 3 $0.75 MQ and 1 $1 MQ = FREE
Mighty Dog can food, $0.66, used FREE MQ that ended up doubling to $1 = $0.34 overage
2.38 lbs cherries, $1.49/lb, used $1 produce winetag MQ = $2.54
$0.67 tax
$0.10 reusable bag refund
Total = $19.34
Produce Junction:
Filler paper = $2.00
Pens = $1.98
Notepads = $1.98
Speed Stick = $2.99, used $1.50 IP MQ
Trash bags = $7.49
Used $3/15 CVS email Q
Total = $12.88 off GC, earned $7.96 ECB ($2 for paper, $1.98 for pens, $1.98 for notebooks, $2 for deo)
U-pick blueberry farm:
5.5 lbs blueberries at $1.60/lb = $8.75
5 lbs Shoprite flour = $1.99
5 lbs Shoprite sugar = $2.49
Packet yeast = $0.50
Mighty Dog can food, $0.66, used free item MQ that doubled to $1 = $0.34 overage
Purina Kitten Chow, $2.19, used free item MQ = FREE
2 12-pack Ball pint canning jars, $7.99 each, used $2.50/2 MQ = $13.48
$1.32 tax
Total = $19.43
The jars were expensive but are sort of an investment; they can be reused and I plan on doing more canning over the years as my garden gets bigger.
With receipts I had accumulated over the summer, I submitted a $25/$50 meat rebate and $10/$20 produce rebate, both from Dos Equis. Minus the cost of stamps, that's $34.12 into pending rebates.
I received June's Rite Aid SCR, so that's $7.99 from pending to received rebates.
Total spent: $1,3497.61
Pending rebates: $93.50
Rebates received: $165.51
Flea market profits: $346.00
Remaining on Target GC: $10.00
"So it's really like": $782.60 spent
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