2 Balsam haircolor, $1.29 each (clearance), used $2 MQ = $0.58
Colgate MaxFresh, $3.29, used $0.50 MQ = $2.79
$0.41 tax
Total: $3.78 off GC, earned $3.50 RR from Colgate
Store #2:
Vaseline Intensive Rescue lotion, $2.84 minus $1.50 MQ = $1.34
Blink eye drops, $7.99 minus $2 MQ = $5.99
4 travel size Dove deodorant, $0.99 each minus 2 $1.50/2 MQ = $0.96
6 Dove bar soap, $0.99 each = $5.94
$0.89 tax
Used $3.50 RR from previous store
Total: $11.62 off GC, earned $20 in RR ($10 Dove, $8 Blink, $2 Vaseline)
Target (not pictured):
I got 2 cute sweaters for $5.74 each. Not part of the budget, but you might want to check out their end-of-season sales!
2 35 lb buckets Tidy Cats Scoop, $10.99 each, used 2 $1 MQ = $19.98
$1.54 tax (not including sweaters)
Budget: $21.52, but earned $5 GC for buying two buckets
Year to date:
Total spent: $355.99
Remaining on Acme GC: $1.73
Remaining on Target GC: $5.00
Pending rebates: $52.62
Rebates received: $47.00
"So it's really like": $248.64 spent
I recently received blog awards from Brighten Your Eyes With Savings and Cheap by Choice! The "rules" of the awards are that I have to post more winners, but most of my blogroll have already won. What can I say, I am a rule-breaker! But you should go check out BYEWS and CBC. They're both on my fairly short blogroll.
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