Friday, February 13, 2009

Being social

Some other students were getting lunch at a cafeteria on campus and I decided to be social and join them instead of hiding in my lab. It was an a la carte place, so to cut costs I just drank water. Still $5.87 spent, though. And it wasn't even very tasty. Sigh...the bags full of things I could get at a grocery store for under $5.87... At least I feel slightly less out of the loop now.

Yearly totals:
Total spent: $252.60
Remaining on Acme GC: $25.00
Pending rebates: $99.62
"So it's really like": $127.98 spent this year

1 comment:

  1. Though it wasn't very tasty, you didn't spend too much for a "lunch out". And sometimes you just have to be social. I think you are doing fine and I am so impressed by someone so young working to be frugal.

    Keep up the good work!
